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Sweet, Sweet Sound” Psalm 100, 16x24 oil on panel, framed
Sweet, Sweet Sound” Psalm 100, 16x24 oil on panel, framed

Sweet, Sweet Sound” Psalm 100, 16x24 oil on panel, framed

Molly Courcelle Fine Art
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“Sweet, Sweet Sound” Psalm 100:2, 16x24 oil on panel, framed in a champagne floater frame. 

This is an original oil painting, completed after the flood brought on by Hurricane Helene. I wanted to paint something that represented a mess…but a lovely mess. That particular day I was thinking about God’s goodness through all of this wreckage and difficulty. I was painting in the studio next to my mother, artist Bee Sieburg who was painting as well. Our friend Lisa was there helping me in the studio and we were listening to classic hymns and singing along, praising God for who He is. The song “I Love You Lord” came on and it summed up what I wanted to express. While we are struggling here in WNC after the destruction brought to our area, the community has come together in such a beautiful way. I wanted to express the mess and the beauty…and let it be like worship to the Lord…a sweet sweet sound to Him. 

Psalm 100

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
    Worship the Lord with gladness;
    come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
    It is he who made us, and we are his[a];
    we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
    and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name.

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
    his faithfulness continues through all generations.